By Past President, Joe Kalajzich & Past President Peter Warren
Samantha Fewster is the bright and engaging District Rotaract Representative for districts 9465 and 9455, Western Australia. She was our guest speaker last Tuesday evening at the Manse Restaurant. If some of our members (like me) required an up date on Rotaract, then this presentation fitted the bill wonderfully. It did so because Samantha used her first hand experience to emphasis what Rotaract can do for young people with energy and foresight.
For example, it enables youngsters to give back to the community and network with members around the world. It provides an opportunity to contribute to changes around the world and an opportunity for invaluable professional development. And it helps build international partnerships.
Rotaract is a global organisation that empowers students and young professionals to create positive change in their local communities and around the world. Rotaract provides unique opportunities that assist its members in becoming the business and professional leaders of tomorrow. Sponsored by Rotary International, Rotaract Clubs across Australia are part of a worldwide organisation of 210,000 individuals in 9,100 clubs covering 170 countries.
Why should young adults join Rotaract? (continued from front page)
· It’s a good feeling to give back.
· You are exposed to new experiences.
· You can forge Lifelong friendships – both here and abroad.
· Your contribution can make a genuine and lasting difference.
Much of Samantha’s ‘spare’ time is now devoted to Rotaract activities. She has travelled widely in her quest to gain first hand knowledge of the problems confronting developing nations. Her experiences in India have made a particularly deep impression upon her. Her last visit to India was, “…amazing…” and showed her, “…what Rotary can do…”. Samantha explained that Rotary continues to be a highly prestigious organisation in India. She clearly holds a special place in her heart for her Indian friends.
Samantha summed up her involvement in Rotaract initiatives by saying that, “These programs changed my life”. We all sensed that this was indeed the case.