“Greenlighting” was in, “critiquing” was out, as members were encouraged to make lots of suggestions about the way the club could operate in the future. Members were told “Place yourself FIVE years into the future. You are looking back and reporting on all the wonderful projects and achievements that your club has completed over the past five years”. The visioning meeting was facilitated by Past District Governors, John Kevan, Bob Cooper and John Simmons, as well as President Renae Poot of the Rotary Club of Millpoint (shown in photo 2 with President Graham Sampson).
Our facilitators encouraged members to condense each concept to a bullet point which was then written up on butchers paper, with two or three sheets being filled out for each of ten sections. Sections were entitled, The Vision we have pursued, the Great Attributes of our club, Public Image & Awareness, Rotary Foundation, Fundraising, Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, Youth and International Service.
The sheets of butchers paper were hung on the wall and members were then given a quantity of blue and red dots to place on the sheets alongside their favoured bullet-points. No ideas/concepts will be discounted but the results will be analysed and those with the most dots will be given highest priority when forming a vision statement for the club for the next five years. President Graham Sampson accepted the responsibility of referring the club back to the vision statement and the prioritized ideas/concepts, whilst Assistant Governor, Roy Philbin, who also participated in the visioning evening, will also assist our club in developing the vision.
There was certainly a consensus that all members wish to see the club continuing to be very active in the community, both locally and through it’s overseas humanitarian projects. And at the same time members want the Rotary Club of Armadale meetings to be well-run but fun times together that will attract new members.