Guest speaker, Karen Kerlin from Starick, told members and partners present at our August 13 meeting that nearly 300,000 people in Western Australia have, at some time, experienced some form of violence from their partner. She said “Across Australia, one women per week is murdered by a current or former partner. One in three children under 15 have experienced physical violence.”
Karen is the Marketing & Project Officer for Starick, an independent, not-for-profit organisation that is working to end domestic and family violence and to assist women, young people and children escaping violence. Starick employs dedicated staff who support, advocate for and educate women and children escaping domestic and family violence.
Starick’s services include: Short-Term Crisis Accommodation, Referral to Other Agencies, Transitional Housing, “Safe at Home”, Court Support, and Counselling for Women & Children.
Abuse may be physical, verbal, financial, sexual and may not always be noticed by friends or family. Many feel trapped and continue in abusive relationships in the hope that things will improve. Some find that their partner regularly controls, threatens or insults them, and stops them using social media or contacting friends. Abusers often check up on everything their partner is doing and deprive them of various liberties. Often they will try to make the victim feel useless or worthless.
But help is available. No-one should have to tolerate any form of violence. Starick has several contact numbers that can be readily accessed: Crisis Accommodation: (08) 9458 1107 or (08) 9398 5080; Starick Outreach: (08) 9398 5039; Starick Safe at Home: 0422 809 814. Other useful numbers: Crisis Care: Freecall 1800 199 008; Domestic Violence Helpline: Freecall 1800 007 339; Men’s Helpline: 1800 000 599