Rotarian Maryanne Gleeson recently moved from the land of the unpredictable weather (Victoria) to the “Sunshine Capital of Australia”*
After attending as a guest of the Rotary Club of Armadale for several weeks, Maryanne, who now makes her home in Mount Nasura, was officially welcomed this week as a member of our club. A registered nurse, Maryanne transferred her membership from the Rotary Club of Milawa Oxley in rural Victoria. That club is only 6 years old, but enthusiastically works together to make a difference to their local communities and the world community. The group meets on Tuesday nights at the St Paul’s Church Hall in Milawa on the first Tuesday of the month, and the rest of the Tuesdays at the Wangaratta Club
Maryanne says she feels very much at home at the Rotary Club of Armadale. She has been asked to serve on the youth committee.
*A recent Sunday Times article reported that Perth is now the nation’s “Sunshine Capital ”, with a long-term annual average of 8.8 hours of sunshine per day. (Ahead of Darwin (8.5) and Brisbane (8.2). Melbourne has only 6.5.
The Rotary Club of Armadale welcomes enquiries from prospective new members, whether transferring from another club or completely new to the Rotary scene. We're a bunch of leaders who love making a positive difference in the world. Why not come and check us out on a Tuesday evening? 6:00pm for 6:30 start at the Armadale Bowling Club in Millman Way. Contact us first though, to make sure we're not meeting somewhere different as we occasionally do. And we need to know numbers for catering.
Could you become our newest member?