Past District Governor, Phil Cordery made a special visit to our club meeting on 12 August to to present the Annual District Australian Rotary Health Trophy , which President Craig Alford received on behalf of the club. The award is presented to the club that has made the highest donation per capita to Australian Rotary Health. Our Annual Golf Day and the Ride to the Other Side, have been major contributors to this effort, as well as the generosity of individual members.
Australian Rotary Health provides funding into four focus areas and promotes findings to the community. These are Mental Health Research, General Health Research, Indigenous Health Scholarships and Rural Medical & Nursing Scholarships.
PDG Phil has been a Director of Australian Rotary Health since 2011. He is Chairman of two district programmes and has a Paul Harris Fellow with three sapphires.
(Photo:President Craig proudly shows the trophy with PDG Phil Cordery)