FUN LEARNING ACTIVITIES FOR LOCAL YOUTHThirteen local young people aged 8-13 had great fun participating in the first of two Youth Leadership Training Programmes, run by the Rotary Club of Armadale at the Champion Centre on Saturday 11 January. ![]() |
WELCOME NATALIE - OUR NEWEST MEMBER![]() NATALIE’S STORY Our newest member, Natalie Crosswell, was recently our in-house guest speaker, sharing about her life and work. Here’s how she tells her story: |
CHANGEOVER NIGHT 2024-25![]() ANTHONY INSTALLED FOR ANOTHER YEAR AS PRESIDENT Having faithfully served as our Club President for the 2023-24 Rotary Year, Anthony Pyle was installed as President once again for the 2024-25 Rotary Year at our "Changeover Night on 25 June. Anthony has spearheaded a number of successful community projects during his presidential year. As part of this, he's managed to secure us significant funding grants to facilitate those projects. |
THREE VERY IMPRESSIVE SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEESThree year 10 students from local high schools were this week each presented with a $500 scholarship by the Rotary Club of Armadale to assist with their year 11 educational expenses. ![]() The Phil Phillips Incentive Awards have been a tradition of the Rotary Club of Armadale for many years. They were made possible through a bequest by the late Mr Phil Phillips, a long-standing Primary School Principal who was a former President of the club and a highly respected member of the Armadale community. We congratulate this year’s worthy recipients. L to R: President Peter Warren, Keira-Jayne Logue (Cecil Andrews College), Antonia Dobson (Kelmscott Senior High School) and Asyari Mustofa (Armadale Senior High School) |
JACK IS A POLIO SURVIVOR![]() ![]() Photos: Jack & Jan Collier and a typical iron lung Born in Kenya in 1941, Former Rotarian, Jack Collier, contracted Poliomyelitis at the age of 13 whilst at boarding school in Nairobi Then began a long and painful journey to recovery. The disease caused Jack to experience complete paralysis and extreme difficulty breathing. He was unable to walk, to breathe unaided, or to use his hands. He spent nine months in an iron lung which enabled him to keep breathing. |
Perfect Weather for Harmony Day Festival in Harrisdale
DISTRICT GOVERNOR VISITS ARMADALE![]() The Rotary Club of Armadale was pleased to host an official visit from District Governor, Colin Burns this week, as members and guests met for the last meeting of 2020 and celebrated the Christmas season. |
Mukti Mission Farm benefits from Abbey ScholarshipThere are plenty of reasons to be proud of the progress that has been made in sustainable agriculture at the Mukti Mission farm in Pune District of Maharashtra, India. Abbey Scholarship recipient, Ishwar Dass has kept us up-to-date with what's been happening there since his return to India. ![]() |
President Laurie to Preside for Another YearCHANGEOVER NIGHT: President Laurie to preside for another year. ![]() |
ABBY SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS PASSION FOR AUTISTIC KIDS![]() Lily Lee and Tng Chin Kok, from Calvary Victory Autistic Centre in Malaysia are the latest recipients of the Royce & Jean Abby Scholarship. They have just arrived in Perth to begin one month of additional specialised training in the care and empowerment of autistic children. They were special guests this week at the Rotary Club of Armadale. Lily & her husband Chin Kok (CK to his friends) have been working with autistic children and young adults at Calvary Victory Autistic School in Malaysia since 1998. During that time, the late Rotarian Irvin Phillips visited the school many times, conducting specialised training for teachers, volunteers and parents. His wife Margaret, joined Irvin on a number of the visits. Lily spoke of how Irvin’s dedicated commitment to best practise in this difficult field was a great inspiration to everyone involved with the school. Although Irvin & Margaret undertook this project as part of the International project portfolio of the Rotary Club of Armadale, reporting regularly to the club, they did so at their own expense. Past President Gail Sampson has worked hard behind the scenes, liaising with Past District Governor Terry Barritt, to secure this latest Abby Scholarship and bring our guests to Perth. The scholarship programme was set up by District Governors across Australia who served under the leadership of Rotary International President 1988-89, Royce Abbey, who was an Australian Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Essendon, Victoria. Terry Barritt was one of those serving District Governors and has remained on the scholarship committee ever since. |
Domestic Violence Leading Cause of Homelessness for 45-55 Yr Old Women![]() Guest speaker, Karen Kerlin from Starick, told members and partners present at our August 13 meeting that nearly 300,000 people in Western Australia have, at some time, experienced some form of violence from their partner. She said “Across Australia, one women per week is murdered by a current or former partner. One in three children under 15 have experienced physical violence.” |
LOCAL STUDENTS WORTHY AWARD RECIPIENTSLOCAL STUDENTS WORTHY AWARD RECIPIENTS ![]() The Manse Restaurant was buzzing with the exuberance of youth at our meeting of the Rotary Club of Armadale on 14 November, as three local high school students received their Phil Phillips Incentive Scholarships, one of last year’s awardees received her alumni certificate and another student was announced as the recipient of the Rotary National Youth Science Forum study grant. Each of the worthy recipients had family members present to share their moment of glory and hear them give a short speech about themselves and their dreams. The Phil Phillips Scholarships are made available from a trust fund set up by a former President of the Rotary Club of Armadale. His son, Rotarian Irvin Phillips, also a Past Club President, was delighted to assist in making the presentations. The Phil Phillips Incentive Scholarships Students are selected from three local high schools, based on various criteria that includes aptitude and attitude. Past President Joe Kalajzich, who is a former local high school Principal, assisted the schools with the selection process. The award is in the form of a grant of $500, which is to be used exclusively for educational needs. Each student is then invited to attend a dinner meeting of the Rotary Club of Armadale, along with family members, and give a brief talk about themselves and their aspirations. |
WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBER![]() WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBER Rotarian Maryanne Gleeson recently moved from the land of the unpredictable weather (Victoria) to the “Sunshine Capital of Australia”* After attending as a guest of the Rotary Club of Armadale for several weeks, Maryanne, who now makes her home in Mount Nasura, was officially welcomed this week as a member of our club. A registered nurse, Maryanne transferred her membership from the Rotary Club of Milawa Oxley in rural Victoria. That club is only 6 years old, but enthusiastically works together to make a difference to their local communities and the world community. The group meets on Tuesday nights at the St Paul’s Church Hall in Milawa on the first Tuesday of the month, and the rest of the Tuesdays at the Wangaratta Club Maryanne says she feels very much at home at the Rotary Club of Armadale. She has been asked to serve on the youth committee. *A recent Sunday Times article reported that Perth is now the nation’s “Sunshine Capital ”, with a long-term annual average of 8.8 hours of sunshine per day. (Ahead of Darwin (8.5) and Brisbane (8.2). Melbourne has only 6.5. The Rotary Club of Armadale welcomes enquiries from prospective new members, whether transferring from another club or completely new to the Rotary scene. We're a bunch of leaders who love making a positive difference in the world. Why not come and check us out on a Tuesday evening? 6:00pm for 6:30 start at the Armadale Bowling Club in Millman Way. Contact us first though, to make sure we're not meeting somewhere different as we occasionally do. And we need to know numbers for catering. Could you become our newest member? |
14,636 kms Around Australia on a Lawnmower!![]() They're back and celebrating!
President Craig Alford and the intrepid Ride to the Other Side team have recently returned home after completing the latest leg of their amazing sponsored ride around Australia on a Hustler Super Z ride-on lawnmower. And it's all to raise funds funds for various charities supported by the Rotary Club of Armadale, Western Australia.
At the club meeting on Tuesday 26 July, PP Craig gave a most interesting illustrated talk about the Ride with most of his team members also in attendance. District Governor 9465, Linda McLerie and Assistant Governor, Ric Davies, also attended the meeting and congratulated Craig and the team on their amazing efforts.
This latest leg of the journey saw Craig riding his lawnmower, along with his support crew, all the way from Katherine in the Northern Territory, across the top to the Kimberley, back down through the Pilbarra and the North West, arriving at Elizabeth Quay in Perth, where they they were met by the Premier and other dignatories, before riding the last 30kms home to Armadale.
Up in the Kimberley, the crew experienced some pretty wild weather and Craig had to wear a snorkling mask to combat the extremely heavy rain!
The idea for Ride to the Other Side was born while Craig Alford – (Rotary District 9465 Assistant Governor at the time) – was touring Hustler’s US mower plant. (He sells the machines at his Armadale business.) Riding a mower around Australia was certainly a novel way to draw attention to some important causes and raise some money – the goal was $1 million. But it was a pretty serious undertaking. It was clear the adventure would need to be attempted in stages, and it was decided to make the first a reasonably short one to give the machinery and the crew a try-out. So, in March 2012, the Ride set off from Armadale in Perth’s eastern suburbs to Kalgoorlie. Since then, further legs completed were: Kalgoorlie to Adelaide (2013); Adelaide to Sydney, via Melbourne and Tasmania (2014); Sydney to Katherine, NT (2015) and then Katherine to Perth (2016). Over the full journey, more than $350,000 has been raised for various charities, including the EJ Whitton Foundation, Rotary Health, End Polio Now, the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Rotary Foundation And the mower travelled all that way on one set of tyres until they got a blow-out about 200kms from Perth on the home stretch!. The mower averaged 24 k.p.h with a top speed being reached of 39.1 k.p.h. It's a tremendous achievement that Craig's fellow Rotarians agree is worthy of the strongest accolades.
CRAIG RECEIVES SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD![]() CRAIG HONOURED FOR SERVICE ABOVE SELF![]() Craig was recognised for the huge contribution he has made to the Rotary Foundation and several charities through his fundraising efforts riding his Hustler Super Z lawnmower around Australia. Craig quickly acknowledged that he couldn’t have done it without the huge backing of his dedicated support team. Over $300, 000 has so far been raised through the Ride.
Craig, supported by several of his team members, rode the ride-on mower up onto the stage at Bunbury Recreation Centre, the Conference venue. He had just ridden the mower from Armadale to Bunbury in support of bushfire victims in the Waroona/Yarloop/Harvey area. He had planned the grand entry as a surprise for conference attendees but received a bigger surprise himself when presented with the Service Above Self Award.
en by surprise at last weekend’s District 9456 Conference in Bunbury when he was presented with the Rotary International Service Above Self award by RI President’s Representative Garry Browne and District Governor, Melodie Kevan. There are only 100 such awards presented globally each year.
Past District Governor, Phil Cordery made a special visit to our club meeting on 12 August to to present the Annual District Australian Rotary Health Trophy , which President Craig Alford received on behalf of the club. The award is presented to the club that has made the highest donation per capita to Australian Rotary Health. Our Annual Golf Day and the Ride to the Other Side, have been major contributors to this effort, as well as the generosity of individual members. Australian Rotary Health provides funding into four focus areas and promotes findings to the community. These are Mental Health Research, General Health Research, Indigenous Health Scholarships and Rural Medical & Nursing Scholarships. PDG Phil has been a Director of Australian Rotary Health since 2011. He is Chairman of two district programmes and has a Paul Harris Fellow with three sapphires. (Photo:President Craig proudly shows the trophy with PDG Phil Cordery)
Changeover Night With Plenty To Celebrate!PLENTY TO CELEBRATE AT CHANGEOVER NIGHT As the Rotary Club of Armadale closed out the 2013-14 Rotary year and welcomed in the 2014-15 year, there were plenty of great achievements to celebrate. District Governor, Erwin Biemel and Assistant Governor, Roy Philbin were delighted to hand a number of prestigious awards to outgoing President Graham Sampson and some awesome Rotarians and guests. DG Erwin took great delight in presenting President Graham with a Presidential citation for the club's many achievements over the past year. Past District Governor, Terry Barritt and Mrs Joan Barritt were presented with some very prestigious awards from the Rotary Foundation for outstanding achievement and contributions to the Foundation. Incoming President, Craig Alford, was recognised for his amazing contribution to the Foundation and other very worthy charities as leader of the Ride-To-The-Other-Side team. Rotarian Ray Heather, our club's International Director, received a Paul Harris Fellow award for his tireless work on various international humanitarian projects and Honorary Rotarian, Margaret Heather received a Paul Harris Fellow award for her work on training teachers of English as a second language in West Timor. The Secretary of the Armadale Men's Shed, Ian Stevenson also received a Paul Harris Fellow award for his dedicated commitment to the Men's Shed and his wonderful support to our club on various community outreach programmes. And Rotarian Eileen Alford was President Graham's choice to receive the annual Warwick Savage-Keith Marsh Award for her outstanding contribution to so many of our club programmes. Mrs Nancy Marsh was delighted to be asked to present this award in honour of the late Past President Keith Marsh. Lots more information about changeover night to come in the weekly bulletin.
Our latest club bulletin for your enjoyment and information |
Rotary Club of Armadale WA Bulletin 07 December 2013![]() |
Bulletin 30 Nov 2013![]() ![]() |
Rotary Club of Armadale WA Bulletin Vol 15 2013![]() ![]() |
ANNUAL GOLF CLASSICThe Rotary Club of Armadale Annual Golf Classic will be held on Friday 18 October at Araluen Country Club, Roleystone. |
Ride to the Other Side Stage two![]() On a mission to mow down the miles
WITH every idea come a few challenges. Deciding to ride 15,000 kilometres around Australia on a ride-on-mower was a big idea with big challenges and bigger rewards. In 2010 Rotarian and co-owner of Armadale Mower World Craig Alford had this outrageous idea to ride a Hustler Super Z mower around Australia to raise much needed awareness and funds for mental health research through Australian Rotary health and a second charity of choice each year. When we say we're riding to get to the other side, we're not just talking about geography. We're riding this lawn mower to make a difference and help people get to where the grass is greener. In March of 2012 after much planning, his dream came to life when he and his team set off on stage one, 661km from Armadale to Kalgoorlie. With few changes - mainly bigger wheels and a roof - the Hustler Super Z performed well, averaging 23km/h a day in temperatures as high as 44.5C. That journey was a huge success finically but most of all raising awareness of two very worth charities. In February this year he and his business partner Andrew Fox set off on stage two from Kalgoorlie to cross the Nullarbor in the hottest part of the year on route to Adelaide and the Clipsal 500, again raising awareness and funds for mental health research through Australian Rotary health and prostate cancer research with the EJ Whitten Foundation. This time they had temperatures high as 49.5C and covered more than 300km in one day. The Hustler Super Z had a top speed of 36.3km/h and averaged about 25km/h for the 2190km trip. For the almost 3000km covered so far they have raised about $130,000.00 and the mower has not missed a beat and apart from regular servicing they haven’t put a spanner on to it. The most common remark heard this year was “Pimp My Ride” this may have something to do with the eighteen inch Ford Chromes, front chrome hubs and the front spoiler. A big thanks goes to all the supporters big and small but in particular Powerup Lawn Care Products-PLP, importers of the Hustler Super Z, they are a major partner in Ride to the Other Side. It is without doubt that if not for this support Ride to the Other Side would not be the success it is. Stage three in May 2014 will see some very different weather conditions as the ride heads off from Adelaide on route to Rotary International World Convention in Sydney through Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra some 2500km.
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Quote of the Week - Who Said It?
We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It?
An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Mark Your Calendars!
Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!
RIDE TO THE OTHER SIDE TEAM READY FOR NEXT LEG![]() President Craig Alford and his crew are getting ready to drive a ride-on lawnmower on the next leg across Australia.
The ultimate goal is to raise $1 million for these charities over the entire journey around Australia. For more information, or to pledge your support, go to: or see the Ride Facebook page:
Save the Children: Building a Better Tomorrow for Armadale Youth Youth Crime Prevention Officers, Kaye Turner & Kim Bryce from Armadale Police, with Save the Children’s Karina Chicote and Steve Dyson (Photo: Community Newspaper Group) Save the Children: Building a Better Tomorrow for Armadale Youth An international children’s charity and the WA Police are working together to reduce juvenile crime in the Armadale region, with a special emphasis on helping local aboriginal young people to turn their lives around. Our guest speaker this week gave a very articulate, informative and passionate talk about the “Strong Tomorrow” programme, which is making a real difference in our community. Karina Chicote is the Youth Programme Coordinator (Perth Metropolitan) for Save The Children Australia and is a great advocate for the cause. She was accompanied at our meeting by Save the Children’s Business Development Consultant, Tony McManus. “Strong Tomorrow” is a secondary intervention programme. Save the Children works in collaboration with local Youth Crime Prevention Officers (YCIOs) to support young offenders to reduce offending, through addressing the underlying social and environmental issues that lead to crime, marginalisation and victimisation, through mentoring and intensive support. Juvenile crime is not only costly to the community but to young lives caught up in it. “Strong Tomorrow” helps the young people develop life skills and cultural values. Sadly, there is a very strong over-representation of Aboriginal youth in Western Australia’s crime scene, with 75% of juvenile youth in detention being of Aboriginal background—and 20% of these are from the Armadale area. So programmes like “Strong Tomorrow” need to receive ongoing funding to turn the tide. The programme has a very impressive success rate. One example cited was that of a young boy who went from 22 offences prior to involvement in the programme to no offences following. Others had an 85% reduction in offences. 100% of participants say that the programme has helped them. An initial Government grant of $25,000 has demonstratively saved the Government $140,000 that would have been incurred through crimes that are not being committed as a result of the intervention. Save the Children are digging into their own funds to maintain the programme. Members and friends of Rotary are encouraged to canvas politicians and people of influence with a view to a further grant being made to keep “Strong Tomorrow” up and running.
HELP ON HAND FOR STRESSED-OUT YOUTHOn the same day that news broke of the tragic untimely death of actor and comedian, Robin Williams, who suffered from depression, our guest speaker this week, Antonia Bordoni gave an inspiring and passionate presentation about the organisation that specializes in helping young people facing the pressures of life. Headspace is a community-based organisation providing a comprehensive range of help for young people facing mental health and other health issues, online, by phone and face-to-face. Headspace centres across Australia provide information, support and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families. THE PROBLEM · One in four people will experience a mental health issue within any one year · 75% of mental health problems emerge before the age of 25 Up to 50% of substance abuse problems are preceded by mental health · High suicide rates in early to mid adulthood are related to untreated mental health problems in the late teenage and early adulthood years · Currently, one in four young people experiencing mental health problems actually receives professional help Headspace Centres are scattered across Australia with 55 of them open to young people. Antonia represents the Fremantle branch of Headspace and is a wonderful advocate for this much-needed community service. She regularly gives talks in schools , sometimes five times a week, and loves sharing about Headspace at service clubs and community groups. She was a guest speaker at the Rotary District 9465 conference in Mandurah earlier this year and is happy to be guest speaker at any Rotary Club. Headspace are hoping to open a branch in Armadale in the near future, subject to funding and other criteria. There’s no doubt that our community would greatly benefit from such a service. Issues faced by young people, for which they can receive counselling and referrals to appropriate professional help, include mental health issues, drug and alcohol addiction, sexual health issues, contraception advice, bullying, relationship problems, problems at school or tertiary education centres, physical & sexual abuse, financial or budgeting problems—and more. What to expect at a Headspace Centre: · Help for any type of health issue · Free services · A welcoming environment that is youth friendly · A range of medical professionals: doctors, psychologists, counsellors, social workers, youth workers and drug & alcohol workers
If you know a young person who might need help: Families, carers and friends can make an appointment for a young person with their consent. To do so phone (08) 9 335 6333 with them to arrange an appointment. If you are working with a young person who might need help: Workers from schools, health or community organisations can refer to headspace Fremantle can make an appointment for a young person with their consent. To do so phone (08) 9 335 6333 with them to arrange an appointment. Young People under the age of 16 must have parental consent. The young person MUST consent to the referral. (Photo: Past President Peter Warren presents Headspace's Antonia Bordoni with a Rotary mug as President Craig Alford photo-bombs!)
Rotary Club of Armadale Bulletin 07 Dec 2014 Page 1![]() |
Bulletin 23 Nov 2013 |
Bulletin 16 Nov 2013![]() ![]() |
Bulletin 11 Nov 2013 |
Bulletin Volume 19 09 Nov 2013![]() ![]() |
Security and Integrity of Your Data![]()
ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.
Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site. |
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication![]()
ClubRunner makes it easy to publish your weekly Club eBulletin, and send to all members and friends of the club, by incorporating home page stories and events with the push of a button.
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